Monday, March 4, 2013

"Buck" McKeon: Obama Lack Of Leadership/Truth-telling Is Worse Ever

“It’s gone far enough. This is the end. No more cuts out of our national security.”  
So said Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Howard P. "Buck" McKeon, who along with other committee members have, according to an ASC statement, "...reaffirmed their pledge that further cuts to national security are irresponsible and unacceptable..."

Committee leaders are calling on the President and Congressional leaders to "...focus on the real drivers of our debt and deficits, entitlement spending, which consumes over 60% of the annual budget. To date, national security has comprised 50% of the cuts to date in the Budget Control Act as well as the Sequester, despite only accounting for 18% of federal spending..."

“We are telling the President and John Boehner, when you walk out of that meeting this morning, don’t plan on cutting our national defense one more cent…We are done cutting our defense.”

“Sequestration was the President’s idea over a year ago. When we tried to fix it, he said ‘No. If you do anything, I’ll veto it.’ Then during the campaign, he said ‘It (sequester) won’t happen.’ Then the last couple of weeks, he’s come out  and said ‘It’s Armageddon. The world’s going to end.’  And then the last couple of days he’s softened it. He’s played all kinds of roles in this position… I have never in my life-time seen such a lack of leadership and truth-telling emanating from the White House and our Commander-in-Chief.”

“The President has talked about a balanced approach. And his balanced approach is increase taxes and cut our national security, cut defense. At some point, if he wants a balanced approach, he better start bringing mandatory spending to the table. If we cut all discretionary spending, we would still be running a deficit of half a trillion dollars a year.”

“We have the responsibility to protect our nation’s defense and to make sure that those who we send out to war, have the things that they need to carry out their missions and return home safely.”

“It’s gone far enough. This is the end. No more cuts out of our national security.”